Wednesday, 21 April 2010


This sign is above the toilet on our train - but what does it mean? Don't wash your shoes in the toilet? Don't walk on the wall? Any ideas welcome...


  1. When I was in school, my roommate was from China. She, and her girlfriends, had the hardest time remembering not to stand on the toilet seats...

  2. Do NOT stand upon the toilet seat!

    How could you NOT know that parts of the world do so, and that it offends other parts of the world? :) :) :)

    When I went to school in Argentina, they had squat toilets. It was quite the learning experience.

    When T. first encountered exchange students from Asia, who didn't know that you'd actually put your nether regions in contact with the same surface as someone else had already become intimate with, it was also quite the learning experience.

    I suspect that you're learning. Something.
