Wednesday, 21 April 2010


This sign is above the toilet on our train - but what does it mean? Don't wash your shoes in the toilet? Don't walk on the wall? Any ideas welcome...


  1. 'Don't walk on water'? (that's Jesus out then)
    'Don't look at your feet while using the toilet'? (you might fall off the seat)
    'Don't kick the door down even if someone has been hogging the toilet for half an hour? (cross your legs)

  2. oops, this post seems to have come in twice... that's the joy of posting by mobile phone!!

  3. "Don't tap dance on the toilet seat?"
    "Don't leave footprints on the seat?"

  4. Something to do with "not inserting legs" somewhere, according to my sadly neglected Russian/Engish dictionary!!

  5. wow, you can translate russian - we should have brought you! my companions have had to rely on my ropey knowledge of the cyrillic alphabet and a phrasebook from the 1960s that was a present from my brothers and sisters...
